Map of the Mental Health Ecosystem
Over 2021-22, we built a map to help us see where the different parts of mental health, mental wellness, and mental illness are represented in our current ecosystem.
Designed to become the foundation for a public art project, it is meant to be updated as we learn more and better understand the communities we celebrate. Over the years it will evolve to be more artistic in execution, however we begin with data/text. It also makes it easier for feedback from the ecosystem. If the name of an organization is in black text, we have been able to connect at an event, and have learned more about what these organizations do. If they are in grey text, we are still in the discovery phase. If an organization is not on the map, please forgive our mistake, it was not intentional! Reach out and let us know, via email to

“Collaboration among mental health, addiction and primary care providers can benefit individual’s seeking help by ensuring that no matter which service they access they will be connected to all the services they need in a coordinated and seamless way. Coordination among services will add clinical value by allowing for multiple health concerns to be addressed at once and ensuring that care will continue throughout transitions between services and through to recovery.”
- Collaboration for Addiction and Mental Health Care: Best Advice (Report), Canadian Centre for Substance Abuse and Addiction.

Alphabetically listed organizations, hyperlinked to their website:
AAWEAR (Alberta Addicts Who Educate and Advocate Responsibly)
Aboriginal Friendship Centre of Calgary
Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre
Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute (ACHRI)
Alberta Family Wellness Initiative’s (AFWI) The Brain Story Training & Certification
Alberta Father Involvement Initiative
Alcove Addiction Recovery for Women
Artemo Project - Promoting Mental Health in Black Canadians
Aspen Family and Community Network Society
Aventa Centre for Excellence for Women with Addictions
Autism Aspergers Friendship Society of Calgary (AAFS)
Awo Taan Healing Lodge Society
Big Brothers & Big Sisters Calgary & Area
Bow Valley College School of Health & Wellness
Branch Out Neurological Foundation
Breast Cancer Supportive Care Clinic
Brenda Strafford Foundation, The
Building Brains Together Training & Certification
Calgary & Area Child Advocacy Centre
Calgary Alternative Support Services Inc.
Calgary Chinese Elderly Citizens' Association
Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse (CCASA)
Calgary Council for Addiction and Mental Health
Calgary Counselling and Psychology Centre
Calgary Drop-In and Rehab Centre Society
Calgary Fetal Alcohol Network (CFAN)
Calgary Immigrant Women's Association
Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter
Canadian Cancer Society - Alberta / Northwest Territories Division
Canadian Institute of Natural and Integrative Medicine
Canadian Mental Health Association - Calgary Region
Catalyst - Consultation for Complex Service Needs
Centre for Suicide Prevention (through CMHA)
Closer to Home Community Services
Club 36 Adult Day Program (through Alzheimer's Assoc)
Community Mental Health Action Plan
CUPS Calgary (Calgary Urban Project Society)
Discovery House Family Violence Prevention Society
Elements Calgary Mental Health Centre
Elizabeth Fry Society of Calgary
Enviros Wilderness School Association
Freedom's Path Recovery Society
Health Quality Council of Alberta
Hull Services (Mental Health & Addiction Navigator)
Junior Southern Achievement Alberta
Let’s Talk Science Calgary Office
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada - Prairies Region
McMan Calgary Youth, Family and Community Services Association
Mental Health Literacy Project
Mental Health Strategic Clinical Network (SCN)
Mosaic Primary Care Network (PCN)
Mount Royal University (MRU) Student Counselling
MRU Faculty of Health, Community and Education
O'Brien Institute for Public Health
Organization for Bipolar Affective Disorders Society
Oxford House Foundation of Canada
Pet Access League Society (pals)
Prospect Human Services Society
Punjabi Community Health Services
Recovery Acres (1835 House and CARE For Women)
Sage Centre - Child & Family Grief Services
SAIT Chinook Lodge Resource Centre
SAIT Student Development and Counselling
Schizophrenia Society of Alberta
Snyder Institute for Chronic Diseases
Society for Treatment of Autism - Calgary Region
The Alex Community Health Centre
The Canadian Red Cross Society
The Centre for Child & Adolescent Mental Health
The Healing Centred Cooperative
The Immigrant Education Society (TIES) Healthy Minds Program
The Kahanoff Centre for Charitable Activities
The Mathison Centre for Mental Health Research & Education
UCalgary Student Wellness Services
UCalgary Leadership and Student Engagement Office
Urban Society for Aboriginal Youth (USAY)
Wood's Homes | Children's Mental Health
Young Onset Dementia Support Group