2024 Spring Bliss

You’re invited to our mini-mental wellness festival!

Open to the public from 10:00 AM-2:30 PM on Sunday, 5 May 2024. Hosted by carya Calgary Village Commons (2nd Floor, 610 8 Ave SE).

We present a FREE opportunity for you to play games, learn about brain health, and how to support your mental wellness through a variety of local partners. Get to know your mental health and who’s in the community, outside of a referral or a crisis situation.

Our Open House Booths feature volunteers and resources from a range of partners.

Explore the map of activities, games, and Open House Booths.

(click to expand)

Connect with Elders & learn about the Medicine Wheel.

We’re honoured to have 2 Elders joining us, take a moment to connect with them and learn about their role in the community as Elders and healers, through the Medicine Wheel.

Play fun games and learn new skills to support mental health.

We have colouring sheets, recipes for cool games and activities you can do at home, and more fun from each of the booths to help you understand mindfulness and improve your sense of wellbeing.

There are even a few games and activity stations to create art, support feeling good, and connect with your community!

Participate in discussions around community wellbeing.

We’re so pleased to be able to showcase critical care services such as The Distress Centre, TIES Healthy Minds, and Alberta Health Services’ Mobile Response Team (MRT) and Police and Crisis Team (PACT). They, along with our researchers, have brilliant ideas to share that will help you feel and think better about your mental health!

Meet artists and art therapists working in the mental health ecosystem.

Celebrate your inner creative, whether you think you are one, or not!

Get to know the researchers behind the science of brain health and mental wellness.

Explore a range of organizations with volunteers to answer your questions, performances to demonstrate their work, science fair stations with researchers to speak to their learning, and activities to show you how they help individual mental health and wellness.

2024 Partners

This event is a step of our journey to a larger festival, Calgary Bliss, from 12 - 13 September 2025. With a wealth of workshops, content, and partners, more of us can come together and celebrate mental wellness through arts and culture.

We curate the mental health, mental wellness, and mental illness ecosystem in Calgary to facilitate awareness and communication between citizens and supports. We use immersive art and culture projects and events, to improve the public's awareness of mental health, while providing a platform to access the resources required. Thank you for your interest in, and support of, our work!

© 2018-2024 Stacey Perlin